Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire Newsletters

Most Recent Newsletters

The last 20 newsletters can be found at the link here.

The administration of CPL intermittently places earlier newsletters in the list below, to ensure access for a longer period than 20 issues.

If you are looking for a particular item, you can find a list of each newsletter content since 9th May 2022 here.

This mailchimp weekly update circulation list is used for all of our surveys and updates, training opportunities and other useful info so it is vital you are included in this circulation list.

We send the newsletter to all short pharmacy accounts, but we recognise our news is relevant to all pharmacy staff, not just the person who opens the store emails, so please subscribe to our newsletter by completing the form here, making sure you add the email address to your contact list, so that the newsletters don’t get bounced into your spam folders.

Please also ensure you are receiving Community pharmacy England’s newsletter as we do not duplicate their content.  You can sign up for them here.