CD Incident Reporting and Accountable Officer

Updated 05/08/2024

CD Accountable Officer

The CD Accountable Officer for the East Midlands (Lincolnshire, Leicestershire &, Rutland, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Northamptonshire is Samantha Travis. The CD team can be contacted using the details below

Reporting of all CD incidents and concerns

All CD incidents, irregularities with the dispensing or prescribing of controlled drugs, concerns must be reported. This includes instances where pharmacists are concerned at levels of CD prescribing.

CD incidents must be reported via the online reporting tool at . Please remember to register via the web link if you have not done so already.

Tutorial videos are available at tutorials/

Destruction of expired Schedule 2 controlled drugs

Expired pharmacy CD stocks must be destroyed and witnessed by a person authorised by the CDAO (unless your pharmacy is part of a multiple chain, who can authorise their own witnesses). To arrange for an authorised witness for the destruction of expired Schedule 2 controlled drugs, please use the online CD reporting tool.

Reminders for CD destruction requests will not be sent through the post. It will be up to individual contractors to manage the safe storage of their out of date or damaged stock CDs and to request a destruction visit when appropriate.

Please note that you do not require an authorised witness to destroy patient-returned CDs, but receipt should be recorded in a seperate register (not the Controlled Drugs register) and destruction should be witnessed by another member of staff familiar with CDs (preferably a registered health professional).


If you have any queries, please contact the NHSE & NHSI Midlands (Central) CD Team:


CD Accountable Officer Newsletters

This is an archive of past NHS England Central Midlands CDAO Newsletters and communications.