Research and Studies

This page contains details of local studies, trials and research which may be of interest.

Before agreeing to participate in research or patient recruitment you may find it helpful to visit the following pages:

You should also ensure that you comply with any organisational research policies, such as those your company or business may have in place before agreeing to support or participate in any research.

Please note that inclusion of the study information below does not constitute endorsement from Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire and we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the documentation.

Local studies

Below we will post information relating to local studies in which you may wish to participate.


Former studies:

Lincolnshire Poacher Study 2020

Pharmacy Involvement Supporting GP patient recruitment through displaying a poster
Overview The purpose of the trial is to see if nurse-led clinics are more cost effective for the management of IBS.  Patients with new symptoms of diarrhoea who attend a GP appointment would be informed about the study by their GP. If they are interested they would then give verbal consent for their details being passed to the study team.
Funding No funding available for pharmacy participation
Timeline Commenced August 2020
Summary and Documents


Pharmacy Involvement Supporting patient recruitment through displaying a poster
Overview The trial aims to find treatments that improve symptoms and reduce hospital admissions for people with COVID-19
Funding No funding available for pharmacy participation
Timeline No details provided
Summary and Documents The study aims to recruit people with symptoms of COVID-like illness who are aged 50 and over and have a comorbidity, or who are aged 65 and over, with or without comorbidity.

Pharmacies can register their interest in participaton here