Committee Member Vacancy for Independent Contractor – EOI deadline midnight 27th January 2025

Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire have recently received a resignation due to retirement from Chris Mulimba, who has been an integral member of the committee as an independent contractors’ representative for many years. We thank him for his contribution.

This means that there is a vacancy for an Independent Contractor.

LPC members are at the heart of local community pharmacy planning and in a position to make policies and decisions to benefit contractors.  Read more about the role of Local Pharmaceutical Committee Members here.

If you would like to be a part of the Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire committee then you should put forward a nomination, please complete and return the attached nomination form to by Midnight on 27th January 2025.

Candidates may not be members of the AIMp/IPA, or have a beneficial ownership in any pharmacy multiple that has exercised its right to appoint members to the Committee under paragraph 6.3 of the Constitution as detailed here.

If we receive more than one nomination there will be an election and voting papers will be distributed to eligible contractors. Accompanying the voting paper will be the information taken from the shaded boxes on the nomination paper to provide voters with information on each of the candidates.

LPC Independent Member Nomination Form 2024