Clinical Waste Arrangements in Lincolnshire

Updated 16/01/2025


We have been advised by the East Midlands Team that all queries relating to clinical waste and waste medicines should be directed to Anenta via email


Clinical Waste

As from the 1 September 2021 Anenta took over the handling of all clinical waste queries for the East Midlands Primary Care Team for all Community Pharmacies and GP Sites.  The original email which was sent out to pharmacies In September 2021 highlighted the actions that pharmacies should take including registering for Anenta’s online system called Vector.

Vector allows the pharmacy to interact with Anenta to make service requests, advise of deficiencies in the service, or to simply seek advice in a fully auditable manner. The system will also hold compliance documentation on your behalf and any other relevant communication, service level requirements and FAQ’s to assist pharmacies.



What actions do pharmacies need to take?

 The pharmacy should register for Vector by clicking on the link and completing the form clicking here

What happens once I have registered with Vector?

 Once complete the pharmacy will: –

  • receive an immediate confirmation of completion to the email addressed entered in the form this should be the pharmacy specific NHS Net account.
  • receive a subsequent email that will follow advising the pharmacy that their online account with Anenta is available to access.
  • They will be required to set a password when creating their account, however once registered, future access will no longer require a password.
  • They will receive a further communication from Anenta to advise on any further steps and with details of service within the first 30 days of the account being registered


Telephone: 03301 222 143
Email: or open a service ticket within your online account at



What are the benefits of Anenta handling clinical waste queries?

  •  Anenta is a single point of contact for clinical waste issues for Community Pharmacies, GP practices, East Midlands Primary Care Team and the Clinical Waste suppliers
  • Anenta manage all contract related matters, operational and financial validations issues while working with all waste producers and contractors to improve compliance and efficiency levels.
  • Anenta manage all queries with regards to clinical waste collection from Community Pharmacies and GP practice

What won’t Anenta be responsible for?

  • Anenta are not be responsible for collecting the waste from Community Pharmacy and GP sites as this will remain the function of your existing provider


If you have any queries regarding the above, please email



Sharps Disposal: Not a contractual requirement

All community pharmacies provide patients with a service to dispose of unwanted medicines as part of the contractual framework’s Essential services; this service does not however cover the disposal of sharps generated by patients who use lancets for blood testing, or needles and syringes for the administration of parenteral medicines.

It is important for sharps to be disposed of safely, as inappropriate disposal methods create a risk of accidental needle-stick injuries to pharmacy staff, waste management operatives and other members of the public, potentially leading to infection with blood-borne diseases.

Local authorities are obliged to collect clinical waste from householders on request, but under section 45(3)(b) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 they may make a reasonable charge for this service.

If you do not offer a sharps disposal service, patients should be directed to their local authority to explore services offered in their area by the council.