Initial information on the Part 2 PQS for 2020/21 Announced

On 6th August an intitial outline of the requirements for Part 2 of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) for 2020/21 was published, following Part 1 which focused on COVID-19 activity.

Whilst final details of the scheme have not yet been fully confirmed, it has been agreed that completion of Part 1 will be a gateway requirement for part 2.

The scheme will formally commence in October 2020 and full details should be included in the September 2020 Drug Tariff. There will be five domains, each with its own component criteria to achieve; all criteria in a domain must be completed to be able to claim a payment for that domain.

Initial information is available on the PSNC website at:

This may help you and your team to begin to work through some of the tasks associated with completion of the various domains if you want to, but it please note that it doesn’t reflect the full, finalised, detailed requirements, so these must be consulted once they are published.

Please contact Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire at if you need any further advice.