PQS 2020/21 Part 2
Further details of Part 2 of the 2020/21 Pharmacy Quality Scheme can be found on the PSNC website at https://psnc.wpengine.com/services-commissioning/pharmacy-quality-scheme/pqs-2020-21-part-2/ and in the current Drug Tariff at https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/pharmacies-gp-practices-and-appliance-contractors/drug-tariff
Part 2 of the 2020/21 PQS scheme, formally commences on 1st October 2020, but contractors can start work on the domains they wish to undertake as soon as they wish. This second part also focuses on the response to and the recovery from the pandemic
Completion of and claiming for the Part 1 scheme is a Gateway requirement for the Part 2 scheme.
Domains within the current PQS include requirements for members of the pharmacy team to complete relevant learning, covering topics such as
- Infection prevention and control
- Antimicrobial stewardship
- Obesity
- Suicide prevention
- Risk management
We’ve produced a simple outline of the training requirements alongside a suggested plan for phasing this learning to support pharmacy teams with this. This guide must be used in conjunction with the more detailed information available from PSNC and in the Drug Tariff.
We will also provide additional supporting resources which will aid completion of any action plans for each of the related domains below.
Please note that this is work in progress – if you know of a resource which will support contractors in the county please let us know
Contractor Webinar
On 16th December 2020 Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire held a webinar to support pharmacies with the current PQS.
You can view a recording of the webinar at https://youtu.be/rydGJmyrdPQ and copies of the slides and participant comments captured during the session are below.
- Lincolnshire Contractors Webinar Dec 2020
- Lincolnshire Contractors Webinar Dec 2020 participant comments
If someone from your pharmacy participated in this webinar, this add to any supporting evidence of collaboration for PQS domains 4 and 5.
Supporting Resources
We will also provide additional supporting resources which will aid completion of any action plans for each of the related domains below.
Please note that this is work in progress – if you know of a resource which will support contractors in the county please let us know